How will Texas protect the environment after Texit?

Texas already has one of the best environmental protection systems through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Unlike the federal government, Texas has been able to balance environmental protection and economic growth. There is no reason to believe that this would be any different after Texit.

Will the federal government use military force to stop TEXIT?

One cannot reasonably assume that the policy of the federal government from the mid-19th century would be the policy of the federal government two decades into the 21st. There is no current federal policy regarding a State leaving the Union. However, there is current federal policy regarding states and territories leaving currently established political and…

Will Texas incentivize or encourage small business and entrepreneurship?

The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well today in Texas and will continue to be so in an independent Texas. In 2019, multiple business analysts ranked Texas as the “Best State to Start a Business”. Even more so, small businesses do much better with less overbearing regulatory restraints that come primarily from our membership in…

How will TEXIT affect open and concealed carry laws?

It won’t. Texas already has both open and concealed carry laws in place. These laws will not be affected as they were voted on and passed by the Texas State Legislature. An individual may currently carry openly (or concealed) if they first acquire a ‘License to Carry’ or LTC. There are restrictions on the kinds…

Will we have to buy our electricity from the U.S. after TEXIT?

The short answer is an emphatic “NO”. Here’s what you need to know. Texas both produces and consumes more electricity than any other state. Texas’ abundant natural resources, including natural gas, coal and wind, are readily available to fuel our power plants. Texas is the only one of the contiguous 48 states with its own…

How will Texas handle natural disasters without FEMA?

Texans are no strangers to natural disasters. Any notion that Texas needs FEMA is misinformation at best and a blatant lie at worst. It is important to remember that FEMA does not do any actual immediate disaster relief. That is handled by the Texas Military Department as well as local and State law enforcement and…

How will trade work with the United States?

Trade is the major issue that has the clearest path to resolution with the United States and it is one of the most important. International trade is a major driver of the Texas economy. In fact, Texas exports products to virtually every country in the world with total value of exports to just the top…

How will TEXIT affect student loans?

An independent Texas would have no effect on existing student loans. Student loans are contracts between the lender (federal government) and borrower (student). These contracts will need to be fulfilled and will not be voided. However, the federal government has facilitated predatory lending practices aimed at college students. Texas has taken a strong stance against…

What will happen to people who rely on Medicare after TEXIT?

Medicare is an incredibly important issue for many Texans who support Texas independence. We will not abandon Texans who rely on these kinds of services as the whole point of independence is to help Texans whose needs and values have been abandoned by the federal system. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services…

Will Texas have its own currency?

When a nation-state first gains independence, in the absence of its own currency, it usually declares, unilaterally, the currency that is common to the region as its official currency. This is called an informal currency union. In the early days of independence, doing so provides for economic stability as consumers and businesses can continue to…