Is supporting TEXIT treason?

The term treason has become an increasingly popular charge in this divisive political climate. While Texit advocates are the recipients of it at a higher than average rate, it has become far more common in federal partisan wrangling. Obama was accused of treason over the Iran nuclear deal and Trump has been accused of treason…

Will college sports teams still be able to play in the NCAA?

Since Texas schools are already eligible to compete in the NCAA, there should be no change. Not being a state in the United States should pose no obstacle. In 2010, Simon Fraser University in Canada joined the NCAA showing that choosing not to be ruled by federal bureaucrats poses no obstacle to participation in collegiate…

How will an independent Texas defend itself?

Texas has always shown a belief in a strong national defense, with a focus on threats to the safety and security of Texans at home. An independent Texas has little in the way of conventional national security concerns. The threat of a combined land, air, and sea invasion is next to non-existent. But threats do…

How Can A Post-TEXIT Border Work With The United States?

Whether you are a supporter or a skeptic of TEXIT, there’s no doubt that you’re wondering how a border between independent Texas and the rest of the United States will work. Some say that it will be complicated and difficult to manage, while fewer say that it simply wouldn’t be feasible. However, if you want…

Is Texas too integrated with the United States to TEXIT?

It is true that Texas is highly integrated with the United States. However, these political and economic ties are not so tight or intricately interwoven that it would be impossible to untangle them. In many instances, it would not be necessary to untangle them at all. There is no part of the relationship between Texas…

Will Texas professional sports teams still play in their respective leagues?

An unusually common question is whether Texas professional sports teams will still play in their respective leagues. Major League Baseball already allows non-U.S. teams with the Toronto Blue Jays, the National Hockey League does it with teams in both Canada and the United States, and the National Football League has recently discussed expanding into Mexico…

Will the economy in an independent Texas be better?

On average, Texas ranks as having the 10th largest economy in the world. There is no doubt that an independent Texas will do better. To quote the conservative firebrand and Texit advocate, Claver Kamau-Imani, “After Texit, we’re gonna be rich!” He’s not exaggerating. Texas already collectively possesses a fair amount of wealth as one of…

Will I still retain my veterans’ benefits after TEXIT?

Veterans who live outside the United States remain entitled to the benefits and services earned through their military service. Most VA benefits are payable regardless of your place of residence or nationality. VA benefits include disability compensation, pension, education and training, health care, home loans, insurance, vocational rehabilitation and employment and burial. Please click the link Veterans Administration for more detailed information.

Is TEXIT the same as overthrowing the government?

There is a federal statute in Title 18 of the U.S. Code that outlaws attempts to do that very thing. In its entirety, it reads: “Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any…

Will Texas have to pay back a portion of the national debt?

When it comes to the national debt, there is no softening the blow. When Texas leaves, it will have to take its share of the national debt with it. If the negotiations regarding the military win the prize for taking the most, the negotiations over the national debt will win the prize for being the…