3318 Hwy 365 Suite 243
Nederland, TX 77627
Toll Free: 800-662-1836
Member Services: 409-527-4929
Nederland, TX 77627
Toll Free: 800-662-1836
Member Services: 409-527-4929
The TNM website and TNM mobile app operate on the newest stable software platforms. Our users who own new or newer (0-5 years old) computers and mobile phones have the best experience, because these devices are fast enough and powerful enough to run our software. Users with older equipment (5-10 years old) may see intermittent problems. For devices older than 10 years, many of the software features do not function at all.
In general, any computer or mobile device in a standard configuration manufactured within the past five years meets the minimum configuration.
Because there are too many computer and phones on the market to list here, we offer these general guidelines which are current as of October, 2023.
Is your computer equipment outdated? There is a sizable market available to people wanting to buy used, working computers. Two reputable online stores are gazelle.com and swappa.com. As always, do your due diligence before buying used equipment.