Engaging with Elected Officials as a TNM Activist

Advocacy for the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM) isn’t limited to public platforms or social media. Direct engagement with elected officials is a critical step in promoting the cause of Texas independence.

Elected officials have indicated a preference for how they like to be engaged. The order, based on effectiveness, is in-person meetings, handwritten letters, phone calls, and emails. Adhering to this hierarchy can maximize the impact of our outreach.

Most elected officials, whether they serve locally or at the state level, maintain district offices nearby. Starting with an attempt to schedule an in-person meeting is recommended. This type of meeting offers a direct way to discuss the TNM’s goals and gather real-time feedback.

If an in-person discussion isn’t possible, consider writing a handwritten letter. In today’s digital world, a handwritten note can capture attention due to its personal touch. It’s a chance to detail your perspective and advocate for Texas independence.

Phone calls serve as the next best alternative. While more brief than in-person conversations, they offer direct engagement and instant feedback. While less personal emails, still provide an avenue to communicate your support of TNM’s mission and ask for their support. Remember, most elected officials have staff members answering phones and replying to emails.  Be courteous to the staff.  They act as the gatekeeper and can make or break your ability to reach the elected official.

Being prepared is essential when interacting with your elected official.  They will ask questions.. Familiarize yourself with the key points about the TNM, be ready to discuss the merits of an independent Texas, and maintain a respectful tone throughout.

Engaging with elected officials should be seen as a continuous effort. Regular updates on TNM progress, new data, or events can help keep the relationship active and the conversation going.

By maintaining open lines of communication with elected officials, TNM activists can ensure that the mission of Texas independence remains a topic of serious consideration in policy discussions.

October 17, 2023
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